Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thing I Hate: Gym Edition

  1. Guys who grunt and bellow when lifting weights. You don't sound cool, you sound like a moron.
  2. Women who wear makeup to the gym at 5:30 in the morning.
  3. Swimmers who get out of the pool and walk through the locker room without toweling off. I just love losing my footing on the flood of water you leave behind.
  4. Those who don't put their weights back after they're done!! I feel like I get half of my workout taking 45 lb plates off various machines.
  5. People who don't bother with deodorant. Really, the gym is the place you want to use it.
  6. Women who somehow leave their hair all over the shower walls. I can't even understand how that happens, I just know that it does.
  7. The loser who stole my brand new water bottle while I was in the sauna!!
  8. Women who bring their little boys into the locker room. There is a family locker room for this reason. I don't want to cover up my goddess-like nudity because there's a 7 year old boy pointing out "boobies".
  9. People who try to "save" equipment during the busiest time of the day.
  10. Epic sweaters who don't understand why towels are handed out at the door.
  11. Blaring, crappy loud music that forces me to turn my iPod's volume up.
    11a. Blaring, crappy loud music that turns me off of going to group classes.
  12. Tanning facilities at the gym. The gym is supposed to be a place where people work on getting fit, not getting cancer.
  13. Guys with those ridiculous shirts with the gaping armholes and women who wear just a sports bra up top.
  14. People who take more time to finish one set than I do to finish three different exercises. I always seem to be waiting for whatever piece of equipment they're on.
  15. Out of shape personal trainers. Why do people hire a guy who is 30 pounds overweight to teach them how to get fit?
  16. I have no problem sharing a lane in the pool. However, please at least give me the courteous "Can I share the lane?" or somehow let me know you've jumped in BEFORE I run into you while doing the backstroke.
  17. People who talk on their phone while working out. Leave the phone in the locker room and stop yakking while I'm waiting to use the equipment you're on.
  18. Those who like performing their sets in the most conspicuous, in-the-way place possible. Like the woman who pulled up a Swiss ball right next to the weight rack to do crunches. Or the guy who decided to jump rope right in the middle of a group of people using dumbbells.
  19. People who leave their towels laying around the locker room. It can't be any easier just to toss them in the bin by the door.